Your continued enjoymemt of PizzazzEE‑25 is made possible by small donations from users like yourself!
User-based contributions go beyond providing financial benefit to the creators and support staff. More importantly, your contribution is a way to "pay‑it‑forward" so that we can continue making PizzazzEE‑25 available to everyone.
When you make a donation, your 'countdown clock' receives additional bonus credits. Any donation generates a bonus credit of 600 steps. If you continue to complete PizzazzEE‑25 one or two days each week, your bonus credits should allow you to enjoy the program for six months without seeing any additional requests for support.
Software maintenance and application-hosting generate ongoing expenses. Without user-support, these expenses could not be met and PizzazzEE‑25 would cease to exist.
In addition, your support is a way of thanking drB for the more than 21 years of effort she has invested in refining PizzazzEE‑25 into a highly effective program. "Every Muscle, Every Joint, Every Time" could not have happened without devotion to painstaking research and laborious testing. Just the final scripting and video production required thousands of hours of effort and substantial expense.
We thank you for your considereration and hope that you will continue to enjoy PizzazzEE‑25 for many months to come!