Modifications for Knees
Knee pain and decreased range-of-motion (ROM) whether from injury of muscle strain / sprain, ligament injury or recovering surgery are probably the most sensitive and in need of adaptions for PizzazzEE. Due to the angle of the knee to the buttocks in some steps, which stresses the knee, we often need to widen the angle.
If in doubt as to whether a step can be performed as directed, first change the angle of the knee if the step allows. Second consider these adaptions below.
Note: Knee replacements can take a long time to recover ROM. Depending on the type of replacement, it might not be possible to achieve previous levels. You may wish to push your ability, but ALWAYS stay within the bounds of comfort.
[See Alert #3 if wearing a knee-brace.]
#10 – Tens & Toes
For any knee pain when placing feet in the "3:00" or "9:00" positions, simply ease the angle to 2:00 or 10:00 or less.
#13 – The Butterfly
If your knee-discomfort is only slight, simply use the basic position with hands on the floor; this takes weight from the knees.
If knee discomfort is more noticeable during the time you attempt to "rock" feet/legs from side to side, either:
a) Lift the fanny higher in the air rather than a normal squat. (As you improve you may start in the high-fanny position and lower it to comfort.)
b) Reduce distance you are moving, making rock more gentle.
Keep a wide angle when pushing on legs, thus feet are further from the body.
#15 – Yoga Pretzel
Stick to the basic, with one leg straight. Also Keep the hug of the 'up-knee' only to comfort (not a 'tight' hug).
#16 – Hugs & Rolls
This is an important one for you as it works muscles that support the knee. However, while you should not have to skip this step, you can use a looser hug for comfort.
#24 – Push & Plank
The latter portion of this move has you sitting down on "butt to heels." This may be too difficult for you without changing the stance. Simply lift the fanny higher in the air, again reducing the angle of the 'bent' knees. This portion is more a stretch for the shoulders than anything else, so you keep most of the advantage.
#25 – Twisted Child
For first half, do only the advanced move – it will be easier for you as basic starts out sitting on heels. People with certain knee discomfort, replacements or current recovery issues, find the basic swing position, meaning leaning back on the arms and sitting with bum to heels, more uncomfortable than the advanced position. The advanced stance which starts by "standing on knees" should be acceptable for those who are not suffering from such positional-pain. Advanced works the leg muscles harder, but may be more comfy for your knees.
If your knees bother you in the second half, you have 4 options.
First, try angling the lower leg outward and follow directions for step.
Second, stay "standing" up on your knees and twist around, leaning back to reach the soles of your feet.
Third, don't "sit on heels." Instead, sit on one hip while flaring legs to one side – and combine the twisting of toes and the trigger points on one foot before switching to the other hip. Specifically:
- Sit on left hip and twist right toes. Then do trigger points on right heel as the verbal cues are twisting the toes on the other side.
- Sit on right hip and twist left toes and end with trigger points on left heel, ending at the same place as the audio.
Fourth, this adaption will be more movement than any of these suggestions. Again, don't "sit on heels." Instead, sit on one hip while flaring legs to one side – and follow steps. Then switch to other hip and repeat. Specifically:
- Sit on left hip and twist right toes.
- Sit on right hip and twist left toes.
- Sit on left hip and do trigger points on right heel
- Sit on right hip and do trigger points on left heel.
All four of these suggestions can be done in time to verbal cues, although the fourth will take additional effort and movement. Let knee comfort be your guide.