Important Alerts
Alert 1: Do Not Ignore Pain
"No Pain, No Gain, Not Sane". Unless you have a million-dollar contract in your specialized sport, exercising through pain is never recommended. This is perhaps with the exception of guided and targeted physical therapy exercise for injury.
For any question in your mind that starts out “it hurts when I...” the answer is like the old joke when you go to the doctor:
Patient: "Doc, it hurts when I do this..."
Doctor: "Don't do that!"
Additionally, if ANY of these signs are present, don't exercise and actually do see your physician:
- Suspected broken bone (or stress fracture)
- Weigh bearing suddenly becomes very painful
- Vision becomes blurry
- Sudden vomiting
- Loss of bowels or urination
- Extreme numbness or loss of feeling
- Body refuses to obey brain's orders
All this said, don't let the MEMORY or FEAR of pain stop your efforts; we don't want to lock in (neurological) "pain cycles." Slight, gentle movement can be needed to rebound to healthy tissue.
Start EACH step of PizzazzEE‑25 gingerly if uncertain. If there is pain, revert back to the position where you do not feel pain. Attempt again. Movement is needed to heal and we can stop the viscous loops of memorized pain by doing as much as we can and proceeding only to the level where pain stops us.
Alert 2: Avoid Over-stretching
PizzazzEE‑25 does not over stretch if followed as directed. Over-stretching includes:
a) holding more than 30 seconds
b) straining and
c) bouncing
Overstressing can lead to injuries or compensation, meaning use of alternative or secondary muscles instead of the full range of muscles for that movement. All this can lead to imbalance.
PizzazzEE‑25 will direct you away from this. Although you always want to use YOUR best Range-of-Motion (ROM), it won't always be a standard FULL ROM. Also, if working on exercises outside of the routine, still avoid over-stretching.
So don't hold stretches too long, with strain, fast motion or bouncing.
Alert 3: Wearing a Brace
If you often wear a brace, should you leave it on or take it off for this workout?
The answer depends on your own personal situation. If your doc approves, attempt PizzazzEE‑25 without your brace, BUT don't try to work through pain.
It is difficult to heal WITHOUT movement, but during injury or healing processes we don't want to re-injure. Review the Alert "Do Not Ignore Pain."